
DALI Dimmable LED Driver is The Representative of LED Intelligent Industry

DALI dimmable LED driver is a kind of typical LED intelligent dimmable driver. The application of  DALI dimmable LED driver has very much development space and potential. In China, the technology of DALI dimmable LED driver is mature. 
The LED industry is stagnant,  many manufacturer are looking for a way out.DALI dimmable LED driver is the best choice for them. DALI dimmable LED driver will enable the user to control the light level within a room or building. This is beneficial in the home to set the desired mood or enhance the experience when watching a film.  The ability to dim the lights can be an important requirement for commercial environment, such as restaurants, offices and cinemas. DALI dimmable LED driver generally operate by altering the phase of the wave by chopping out parts of the voltage which reduces the power to the light bulbs and consequently the light level. DALI dimmable LED driver will be the most popular for traditional bulbs.

